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Running Can Restrain Orexis

December 23rd, 2010 at 04:26 am

The English scholar discovers that the hunger sensation after people running and swimming or taking other athletic sports is different, and the category of food also exists significant difference. This research overturn the common view that the more people exercise, the more they eat, and it helps people choose the appropriate sports according to their own needs.The Right time to Look Great With, The Best online marketing to Enjoy

It is reported that the sports Doctor Stengcier in Lafbaler university found that the sense of hungry and the food taken in are different after doing different sports. 3 Accounts that May Bring Abrasion to Your Designer fashion zone For example, people often do not feel hungry after jogging and they just want to eat something full of moisture content and will not make people full, such as fruits. On the contrary, people often feel hungry after swimming. They always want to eat high-fat foods; after weight-lifting, they prefer foods with more carbohydrate or protein.

Additionally, the sports environment can also affect people's sense of hunger. For example, swimming in cold water makes people feel hungry and want high fat food, while running in warm weather has oppsitive effects. Usually, People think that exercises will get up their appetite, but the discovery of Stensell overturns this view, which indicates that the appetite does not have direct relationship with exercises.

Stensell`s research was published in the new book Resistance and aerobic exercise on the impact of hunger. According to his preliminary analysis, different sports have different impacts on the secretion of the "hunger hormone" which controls the appetite in the human body. With the high intensity exercise, running in hot enviroment may inhibit the secretion of "hunger hormone", but swimming in cold water will have adverse effects. However, low or middle intensity movement basically has no effects on the hunger hormone secreting. For example, there is no difference in the feelings of hunger after walking for an hour or sit-ins for the same period.

Results of this research provide guidance for people to choose the right sports and to realize their aims more effectively. Steer,G. said sports like running can usually inhibit appetite after finishing exercise several hours, if people want to lose weight, they can choose running and don't worry about the increasing of appetite after doing sports.

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