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Couples Should Communicate Side by Side Visavis

December 3rd, 2010 at 02:24 am

In the discussion of marriage, how to maintain effective communication between husband and wife is a problem that people are very concerned. Because there is a big psychological difference between men and women, the means and the attitude to deal with problems are often very different, even if the harmonious marriage between husband and wife. For the women, they all hope that husbands will listen to her attentively, particularly when they want to express the important ideas. As a matter of fact, a male whatever how good temper he is will be an attitude of indifference when he faces this kind of [long-winded".Hot Piece Mistakes Even Smart New Jenny Make with online marketing

Then under such circumstances, many conflicts will occur, because women think men do not think enough of them and become angry. How to NOT Wear fashion lingerie : Effective Tips The magazine "Women's Health" recently reported that men with such a response is not to show that they do not care, but for the reason that the men are different from women in the process of processing information. Therefore, women should learn the following skills that they speak by using the style of masculine language and expression. Communicating by should and should. If you want to speak a little tricky question to your husband, for example saying him playing crazily, not caring for the home, you never adopt the mode by face to face. Scott Guzman, a Brown University professor, long been engaged in marriage research, pointed out that in a number of sharp conversation, continuous, direct vision of the eye contact will make men feel fear.

Besides, when face to face, men will by the light of nature enter the "survive mode" - "fight or run". Therefore, if you want to talk with him, you'd better choose the shoulder-to-shoulder way, like walking together, driving or sitting on sofa watching TV, etc. To go straight to topic. A recent study shows that men's brains would treat a man's voice as a "lecture", while a woman's voice as "music". That`s why men treat men`s voice much more seriously. So in order to guarantee your husband can take every word you have spoken, you should express yourself in a brief, clear, loud and prompt manner. Scott Haltzman said, most men want to hear is the core of topic, so it is better for women to speak straight to the theme when they talk to men.

Let him know you want to emit. The man is the [problem dealer" constitutionally, and frowning means he is thinking how to solve a problem. When wife tells her husband some plight, he would initiatively think he should help her find a solution, but not listen simply. Therefore, women should let men clearly know what you want before you confide. You`d better open in such a way: [I really need to speak out these boring things in my heart. I just need your comfort." Satisfy his self-esteem. Do your requirements go into his left ear and out his right every time? If so, you`d better flatter him.

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