Home > Microsoft Brings Out New Search Engine - Bing

Microsoft Brings Out New Search Engine - Bing

November 17th, 2010 at 05:09 am

In the search engine field, Yahoo take the first steps, Google is the super star, But the searching engine market would not be so mature as your imagination. Even if gaining 64% of market share, Google admits that searching engine industry is just in its infancy period. it needs to put into more blood such as Microsoft, We should welcome Bing with applause, for it is going to do something special. What to Dress to Soiree? - the Best Choice

Signs show that Microsoft care about how to pursuade people to using it to do searching work more that to differ it from Google. How I Use Evernote to Organize Everything (25) For example, Microsoft has built reward programme in Bing, If you purchase the goods by the searching, you could gain the repayment in cash.The Merits and Misunderstanding of online shopping

Microsoft specifically took the name Bing, and encourages the users to use it as a verb, In a letter addressed to the user, they said: "We sincerely hope that next time you need to make an important decision, you would Bing it before the decision."

According to Nielsen survey, about one-third of users use three or more search engine a month. People would like to change among different searching engines, even though the results would be quite similar. But such action just notify us that there are lots of work we could do in this area.

We usually use Google to search, not only because it gives us right answers, but also they've accustomed to it. Microsoft should make people accustomed to Bing. It knows this point well and is planning to dig down 100 million dollars to do commercials.

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